Trauma Centered Trauma Sensitive Yoga

Trauma Centered Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY)

“TCTSY is the first yoga-based empirically validated, clinical intervention for complex trauma or chronic, treatment-resistant post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Developed originally at the Trauma Center in Brookline, Massachusetts by Dave Emerson and others, Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY) is now a program of Center for Trauma and Embodiment at Justice Resource Institute.”

Because trauma is often stored in the body, yoga-based interventions are a way to approach healing through a somatic experience in an effort to rebuild a sense of connection to the self through the process of using invitational language, creating opportunities for choice-making, exploring physical sensations, and upholding the principle of empowerment.

For those interested, you can expect to engage in an embodied practice that utilizes movement and breath work as a way to experience the present moment, feel empowered to make choices, take effective action, and to experience the flow of creating rhythm or synchrony with your breath and body.

I completed a 200-hour yoga teacher training course specializing in trauma centered, trauma sensitive yoga and Yoga Nidra. I also completed training in asana, meditation, pranayama, yoga philosophy, anatomy, and physiology.

I am currently enrolled in the TCTSY online certification program. This is a 300-hour certification for yoga professionals, mental health and health care professionals, and community providers actively working with individuals and communities that have been impacted by complex trauma.