Ten of Wands

The figure in the Ten of Wands appears to be carrying a heavy load, the face hidden and buried in the work of holding together and carrying ten wands. There is no sense of who this person is, but there is a sense of what this person does. Wands invite movement and the ten represents the need to go beyond what is. Pollack (2019) describes fire energy (the element represented by wands) as acting without thinking, and an energy that takes on new problems simply for the challenge.

The Ten of Wands is inviting me to consider what might be needed to change this approach to life? Where are my personal limits? How can I honor the essence of who I am versus what I do? How can I hold the boundary of saying “no'“ to tasks versus saying “yes” in an effort to signal to others who I am. Throughout the majority of my life, what I have done has been rewarded and perhaps this has created a false narrative that associates “doing” versus “being” with high value. This card invites me to consider making room to “be” instead of “do.” Perhaps this movement toward understanding the value of who I am versus what I do will help me to better answer the question “how do I know when I have done too much?”


The Hierophant


Page of Wands